Just how is the way Wisconsin Republicans have handled the political confrontation over worker rights different than the way Washington, DC Democrats handled last year's health care vote?With apologies in advance to Ezra for taking some liberties with his column yesterday evening in the Washington Post:What happened in Wisconsin [Washington DC] tonight [last March]By Ezra Klein [Bob Laszewski]
Fixing America's Health Care Reimbursement System
This post is authored by Brian Klepper and first appeared at Kaiser Health News:A tempest is brewing in physician circles over how doctors are paid. But calming it will require more than just the action of physicians. It will demand the attention and influence of businesses and patient advocates who, outside the health industrial complex, bear the brunt of the nation's skyrocketing health care
The Republicans Had Better Get Organized on Health Care
If the past week is any indication, the Republicans will have real trouble come 2012 trying to convince voters they have a plan to fix the American health care system.Last weekend, President Obama endorsed the Wyden-Brown bill that would give the states the opportunity, in 2014, to take their share of the almost $1 trillion the new health law collects and use it to craft an alternative health
Defined Contribution Health Care—The Conservatives' Silver Bullet
Conservatives are in a full court press these days telling us the answer to America’s out-of-control health care costs—and our fiscal crisis—is to move Medicare, Medicaid, and the tax code subsidy for private insurance to a defined contribution system.Instead of the federal government defining a benefit and then shouldering the cost of whatever that promise leads to (today’s defined benefit plan)